
Member Responsibilities

Loan Conditions

Children in the library

Please supervise your children while in the toy library.  We have a playpen with toys that you are welcome to use at any time.


Present your issue receipt showing the items borrowed to the duty volunteers at the Returns Desk and have the toys ready for checking.  While you're there, please make sure you pay any fees owing to the librarian at the Issue Desk.


We currently have almost 100 member families who utilise our library on a regular basis.  As the library is run by volunteers, each family is required to complete four duties per year during the library opening hours, which is how we're able to keep our membership subscriptions so low.  Please don't worry, duties are not onerous but are fun and provide you with a great opportunity to meet other members living in our community.  There is a duties roster in the Toy Library so you can pick and choose which days/evenings would suit you best.

The duties involve assisting the librarian with issues and returns, helping new members and processing any new toys.  As Saturday morning sessions are slightly longer, helping on a Saturday counts as two duties.  After completing a duty, your family can borrow an extra toy for two weeks.

Penalty Fees

Although it's regrettable, we do need to recover the costs of repairs and replacements by imposing the following fees: